The Discipline Committee Bylaws
ARTICLE 1- General Meetings
- General evaluation meetings are mandatory in EOSA.
- General evaluation meetings run on two weekend days every two months.
- Members have the right not to participate for only two days.
- Members will be asked to leave EOSA if they fail to attend more than two general evaluation meeting days without a valid excuse.
- Members must complete their individual and team assignments before each general evaluation meeting.
- All members must record their data requested by the Operations Committee between two general evaluation meetings.
- All Members must attend the lectures given by EOSA mentors.
- The members have the right to excuse themselves from only 5 lectures.
- Any member not participate in more than 5 lectures will be warned by the disciplinary committee.
ARTICLE 3- English Speaking Sessions
- Each member must participate in English-speaking practices at least two days per week between two general meetings.
- The sessions take at least 30 minutes. The team captain is responsible for scheduling and planning.
- The members have the right to excuse themselves from only 4 English-speaking sessions.
- Any member who does not participate in more than 4 English-speaking sessions will be warned by the disciplinary committee.
- The accepted excuses from these sessions are detailed below.
- Given deadlines are essential in EOSA.
- All deadlines must be announced.
- EOSA members are responsible for following the announcements.
- Members who are not compliant will receive a warning from the discipline committee.
ARTICLE 5- Team Activities
- The desired participation rate for EOSA activities is a minimum of 40%, which includes both weekday and weekend lectures.